Wednesday, 21 December 2016

Cyber bullying, really???!

Yep, really!! It's everywhere I seem to look these days. I always think to myself, what on earth must be wrong with a person if they're feeling the urge to leave nasty comments underneath photo's of a people they've never met before?! Bashing someone's body or looks won't make you anymore beautiful and it certainly won't make you feel any better either, so why bother at all? That is the burning question I so often ask myself. Unfortunwtly, I've have experienced such thing myself and I can tell you now first hand that if you let it, it can affect your whole day or worse again. It's just not right and it's not something that should be happening, full stop. 

It's truly baffling how some individuals still do not understand the law of the spoken word. (And written alike) You see, there's power behind every single word you speak. You're supposed to use your words for greater good, to make others feel GOOD. There's an old saying that man should only use his words "To bless, to heal and to prosper" I personally have no time for negativity and just won't tolerate it in my life or on my social media accounts. I've never once in my life left a nasty comment under someone's picture because well, why would I do such a thing? It's a shame that some people don't ask themselves the same thing. 

It sends my head into a spin when people openly put down others across social media. I could just never grasp the meaning behind it. Surely I'm not the only one? Cyber bullying is something that is real and is something that is happening every single day. You've no idea just how huge an impact words can have on another. I'm telling you from experience. Try complimenting someone instead, I can absolutely guarantee it will make you feel a whole lot better than if you were to slag someone off. 

You breath negativity, you receive negativity, back in tenfold. It really is as simple as that. So, to anybody who has the nerve to write or say a comment in hate, STOP!! Genuinely pause and ask yourself what you'll gain from doing it? Think twice or three times if you have to about your actions. If just one person wakes up and realises that they need to reform their actions then it's been worth my while writting this piece. 

Positivity.... Sprinkle that s*#t everywhere!! 

Ashley x 

Friday, 28 October 2016

My Dental Clinic

Our smile. It's something we all strive to achieve perfection with and of course the majority of us all need a little help off the dentist from time to time. Whether it's a crooked tooth or some staining (yes I'm talking about you coffee and red wine lovers), the dentist always has a solution to fix the problem. My boyfriend Chris had more than one little problem that needed fixing and the wonderful dentists at MyDental clinic where absolutely amazing in helping. 

Putting off a visit was something that had to be nipped in the bud so he went to have a much dreaded consultation with one of the dentists at MyDental clinic who advised him on what treatment was needed, assuring him that he had nothing to worry about in the hands of the MyDental staff. Initially Chris was sure that he was going to lose one of his front teeth (see pic above) but My Dental were able to work their magic and salvage it.

There where numerous treatments needed to be carried out on Chris's teeth including fillings, root canals and extractions. All of which he really wasn't looking forward to but then again who would be looking forward to saying goodbye to four wisdom teeth?However, after his first visit with MyDental clinic his attitude totally changed. He found himself counting down the days until his next appointment, knowing full well that he was in good hands. Any previous worries he harvested had subsided. So far he has had several fillings and of course a good clean scale and polish and is awaiting to start the bigger treatment including his root canals and extractions very soon.

After one or two visits I too could already see a huge difference in not only Chris's smile but also in his confidence which had been knocked considerably due to the health of his teeth. Before hand it would be a rarity to find a photo of Chris smiling but now you can't stop him from showing off his pearly whites everywhere he goes. If it's just minor work like a clean and polish you're needing or maybe something a little more drastic, you can rest assured that MyDental clinic has got you covered. I myself, have my treatments carried out here and always leave their clinic a very happy lady!!

It's imperative that you prioritise your dental health so if you've got any worries about your smile be sure to give my dental a call. 

Ashley x

Friday, 16 September 2016

My weight loss journey

After a recent post on my Instagram about my body transformation, I was absolutely blown away by the positive response it received. I was overwhelmed by everyone's kind words which actually made me feel quite proud of what I've achieved. After the post, I've felt compelled to write about my weight loss journey, to share with you all my personal story. Since sharing I've been inundated with emails, comments, DM's etc. asking about advice so I've decided it would be easier to write this blog post.

Three years ago. You could say I was a bit of a wild party girl who loved nothing more than a vodka in one hand and some sort of food in the other. Now I'm not talking about a bag of cashew nuts, lets try more along the lines of a bag of chips. Yes! This was my lifestyle and this was what my diet consisted of. Fitting into a size 12, (most definitely still a healthy size) was the biggest that I had ever personally been. I had always maintained a size 8 and so I started to become very aware of what damage I was doing to my body through this type of irresponsible living. The scale wasn't lying to me. I had to face up to to wrong choices I was making. 

I was at a time in my life that binge drinking away every single weekend just did not appeal to me in anymore. I had partaken in my fair share of partying and was more than ready to leave 'the party scene' behind me. I swapped my cocktails for water, drinking 2-3 litres minimum per day. You've seriously no idea just how amazing water can be for promoting weight loss, aiding healthier skin and increasing energy levels too. (You may have to pee a zillion times a day but definitely worth it, trust me!!) I'm not saying you have to give up your weekends completely, of course I still enjoy a night out like the next but for me personally it played a huge part in how I lost 2 stone.

People never believe me when I say that I love food and when I say love food, I mean I think about what's for dinner when I'm eating breakfast. Nor do they believe that I eat plenty of it too. That's the thing though, you do not need to stop eating you just need to change your eating habits. To start off you can introduce can little changes in your diet that you won't even notice. For instance, I used to take two heaped tea spoons of sugar in my 3-4 cups of tea everyday. This really was not necessary so I cut it out completely. Not a drastic change no, but I guarantee that it helped contribute to helping me loose some pounds. Take a look at your daily diet and see is there any minor changes that you can make like refraining from adding salt to your meals or maybe by cutting down on your portion size. It's an easy way to start so try it out, you won't find it too difficult I promise. 

For breakfast, like ritual I would dig into a box of wedges with a rather large dollop of mayo. Sounds disgusting, right? That's because it was!! Thankfully I've discovered porridge since then and can't go a day without starting off the morning right having some oats with a little honey for sweetness. I now snack on a banana before I reach lunch time instead a bar of chocolate. My dinners? I actually started to cook instead of picking up my phone to ring a Chinese I picked up the saucepan and chopping board. I'm by no means a food guru but by choosing home cooked stir fry's or some meat and veg I quickly started to see noticeable changes.

A gym bunny was never a tittle I could bestow upon myself. The thoughts of walking on a treadmill to nowhere was never appealing to me and believe it or not I just didn't have the confidence or knowledge to use most of the machines. So, I decided long ago that the gym really was not for me. However, I did find something I enjoyed and got my fitness in by walking, a lot!! I love to be outdoors and I love how much it can clear a fuzzy head too. A couple of months back I tried something new in terms of working out and that was training at least twice a week with the guys down at CPfitness. An amazing, professional team of coaches who provide a fun and different way to get fit. I was incredibly nervous to start and thought I'd hate it but I couldn't have been more wrong. 

Like everyone though, I do lack motivation every so often and indeed I think it's time I repaid CPfitness a visit. If you're feeling unhappy with your body and know that you want or need to make changes then start off with the little changes that will eventually kick start off the bigger ones. I do not in any way condemn a size 12 but for me personally, I feel happier and healthier through the lifestyle changes I've made.

My weight loss journey is of course one that is my own and I know every single person on this planet is different from the next. The above is what worked for me over a period of 3 years. No matter what way you choose to introduce changes into your life, just make sure that they'll ultimately lead to the growth of both your happiness and confidence. Set yourself a goal and go after it with full speed!!!  

So guys make sure to order the slim lime tonic on Saturday night and delete the dominos app. immediately!! 
And remember, love the skin you're in!

Ashley x 

Friday, 15 July 2016

CellNutrition Quinton review!!

Are you one of the vast majority of people that complains about wanting thicker hair, better skin and stronger nails? If so, then I've got the answer you've been looking for!! The solution to these problems and so much more lies within an amazing product called CellNutrition Quiton. The magic liquid which is 100% natural and organic is contained in little glass vials that work with your cells to improve all of the above and a long list of other amazing uses that you won't believe! Quinton is harvested from a specific area of the ocean and has a carefully chosen pure, filtered spring water added to it. With no tampering other than cold micro-filtration, the liquid contains an incredible 78 minerals which is astonishing when you take into consideration that the human body can obtain extremely few through other methods of food or supplements etc. Through an extensive amount of research over hundreds of years it's been proven that our cells need to be fed nearly all of these 78 minerals to fully work to its optimum. Can you see just how amazing this stuff is, with all that being said?!

If you follow me on snap chat you'll have seen me taking my vials twice a day for the past while so this will help give you a better understanding of just what exactly this product is. I'll also explain what the advantages are from taking it and how it will assist a healthier lifestyle. I've been taking Quinton for about 6-8 weeks now and I can hand on heart say I've seen some massive improvements with my health and well being. First thing in the morning and last thing at night, I've been religiously taking my vials and I'm thrilled with the personal results I've been seeing. It's become part of my daily routine to swish around my mouth for 30 seconds, a Quinton Hypertonic vial early in the morning along with a Quinton Isotonic vial just before bedtime. In doing this, I can feel that it's been making a difference to my well being in the most wonderful ways. 

The past couple of months I've been on a personal journey to improve my health radically, both physically and mentally. Over these last few weeks that I've been taking CellNutrition Quinton I can feel positive changes occurring all of the time. Apart from my hair, skin and nails all improving, I've had a crazy turn around from an energy point of view. Before hand, I could barely get through the morning without feeling the need to lie down from extreme tiredness. I would come home from work and at around 6 or 7pm and get straight into bed with the sheer exhaustion. Nothing I seemed to be doing was helping, including the 8-9 hours sleep a night that I was getting. I knew it was time to explore another option. One that would help me start to feel normal again. After a short time I could see noticeable changes in my mood and energy levels so I've continued to take the product without and any hesitation.

Quinton has actually been around a for very long time and has been taken by people all around the world for decades so I could hardly believe that I'd never heard of this astonishing product up until two months ago. Most definitely a best kept secret, well up till now that is!! How exciting, that here in Ireland, we can finally get our hands on Quinton after all this time. CellNutrition Quinton is available to purchase online at and in Healthfood Stores and Pharmacies nationwide, it retails at €40 per box of thirty. Treat your body for once, it's precious. Gift it with the vital minerals it requires to ensure both your mind and body feel utterly amazing. You won't regret it, I can promise you that! 

Ashley X 

Sunday, 12 June 2016

When in Rome...

Last week I travelled to a city that's been on my 'to go to' list since longer than I can remember. I'd been yearning to submerge myself into this particular ancient world, where history and beauty combined together, ooze from every corner you turn. The moment I caught a glimpse out side that little airplane window and spied on the sights below, I knew I was in for a treat of a visit to the capital city of Italy, Rome. Pure excitement flowed through me when my toes touched Italian soil and I felt the warmth of the summer sun on my skin. I had my map at the ready and nothing was going to stop me from making the most memorable trip here!! 

If like me, you enjoy seeing the sights of a city and one that is so steeped in history and culture then Rome is most certainly a dream destination for you. Words can't describe the sheer beauty that every square inch of this city has to offer and no picture can give justice to the magical sights you'll see. Trust me! For the most part of my trip, my lips were always slightly parted in awe and my eyes wide open in astonishment at what stood before me. A place that will truly take your breath away and leave you wanting more. 

Of course, top of the long list is to visit the world famous Colosseum, one of the newly elected wonders of the world. Admission to this breath taking attraction is only €12 and €7.50 if you are under 25 and from the EU. (Must have proof) This ticket will not only allow you to roam around the ancient ruins where Julius Caesar once spent his leisurely time but also give you access in to wander around the ancient ruins of the Roman forum. Once the glittering heart of the Roman Empire, this enchanting location will send shivers through your spine at just how magnificent it is. A perfect Holy matrimony between natural green foliage and ancient man made ruins. This is a place I insist you you add to your bucket list. 

Apart from the obvious attractions like The Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon and The Vatican City, we went off the beaten track to explore as much as we could. That included a wander around Borghese park, a visit to the ancient ruins where Julius Caesar was assassinated (now a cat sanctuary), strolls along the river Tiber and a look in on a brilliant Banksy exhibition running until September in the capital's Palazzo Cipolla. All of the above are high recommendations that I think are worthy of paying a visit to at least once if not  a second time. 

Weekend vibes!! Get yourself down to the well renowned area Trastevere, where all the cool kids gather to let down their hair. A place like no other, this part of Rome offers plenty of bars you couldn't fit an old fashioned Irish family in to so everybody mingles in the twisted streets instead. Ivy hangs from beautiful old buildings where ever you turn your head, with little fairy lights  strategically entwined within it. You'll have to agree it sounds pretty magical and definitely sets the scene for this super cool area that you'll enjoy a tipple or two in. Another great spot for wining and dining is Campo de' Fiori so make it your business to fit both in. 

Oh the food!! I could most certainly get used to a diet that consists solely of pizza, pasta, gelato and wine. Not sure that my waist line could but I'm sure it would be worth it. A question I will never know the answer to, How are Italians not all overweight? Baffling right?! Whether it was eating a freshly stone baked pizza Al fresco at lunch whilst admiring the view of the Colosseum or indulging in some fine dining in one of Europe's top ten roof top terrace restaurants, I was most definitely in my element at all times!! I don't think I've ever been in a place that had such a staggering number of beautiful restaurants to choose from. 

I could keep babbling on about how incredible Rome is but I'll leave it at that for now and encourage you to go and experience the wonder of it all for yourself. There's not a chance anyone could come back from this spectacular spot with out wanting to book the first flight over again. A truly charming place with extraordinary history and dazzling beauty at every hands turn. I can't wait until my next trip to the captivating city that stole my heart within seconds. 

Now get yourself straight onto sky scanner and thank me later!! 

Ashley X 

*Little Do's*

•Get lost intentionally. You'll be amazed at what you'll stumble across.

•Bring walking runners. You will walk the socks off you feet around this place. 

•Try out the local cuisine. Give your tastebuds a tasty travel treat! 

•Set early alarms to make the most of the precious time you've got there. 

•Be careful in taxis. They are known to swindle a naive tourist or two.


*Little Don'ts*

•Bring stilettos. We're talking cobbles worse than temple bar here.

•Get offended when someone throws your change at you, apparently normal!!

•Forget to pre book tickets for things like the Vatican museum unless you want to give up a day solely queueing.

•Go to the zoo. Unfortunately a major let down! 

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Comparison kills!!!

Are you one of those girls who scrolls through Instagram and feels a  little (or a large) pang of jealously when they see a Victoria's secret model in lacey lingerie teamed with a set of enormous wings and never ending legs? That tanned girl with the flawless completion and big brown eyes? Or is it the Brazilian babe that has the desired teeny tiny waist along with the big ass booty? Well then, you're just like a huge percentage of other women out there who feel exactly the same way too.  I myself have been guilty of comparing myself to other girls in a way that has dampened myself esteem in an unhealthy way but I'm learning to change that. 

It's okay to appreciate other women's beauty but never let it take away from the fact that you are beautiful also. As women, we should all embrace our own beauty and our own flaws too because that's what makes you, YOU!! Look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are a beautiful, brilliant and bright young lady. The more you do this, the more you'll believe it. Make yourself feel good doing whatever brings you happiness. It's okay to spoil yourself every so often!! If you need a little 'pick me up' go and treat yourself and don't you dare feel guilty for doing so. Whether it's getting your nails done or wearing sexy matching under wear just for you to feel good in. Whatever makes you feel confident about yourself, makes you feel special, do that!! 

Don't strive to be better than the next or prettier than the rest. Instead, be the best version of you and pour nothing but love into yourself. Be your own kind of beautiful and look to the rest as being just that too. When that green eyed monster tries to rear it's ugly head, take a moment and think to yourself, there is no one else quite like me on this planet. Then embrace that feeling and harness the good thoughts that come with it. I'm not saying that I don't feel envy every now and again when I see 'the perfect girl' (in my eyes) plastered across social media, I think it's only natural to feel this way every so often but don't let it consume you. I try not to let it affect me and encourage that you don't either.

I don't know why in this day and age, it's so frowned upon to love yourself? For far too long it's been a sin to put yourself first or appreciate yourself in the slightest. But I believe that the stigma around self love, self worth and self acceptance is slowly but surely being broken. So what if a girl wants to post a selfie because she feels good about herself?! Or maybe she doesn't but she still chooses to post one anyways. Either way it's okay. Do what makes you happy and stop worrying about what the next girl is wearing, saying or doing. Put the focus back on the most important person, YOU!! All in good time, you'll be amazed at how good you will feel when you appreciate another persons beauty but also make sure you worship your own. 

One thing I've learned is that it's not healthy to see yourself as being like another when you have so much potential to be such an amazing individual. Concentrate on you and don't be too hard on yourself if you're overthinking and comparing because God knows it's hard to block it out completely. Over time you'll understand how damaging it can be and you just won't allow it to happen any more. You have the ability to transcend your own expectations of yourself so why not make a start today!! I'm urging you all, let's stop the comparisons and if you must, then compare yourself to you, yesterday. Improve on that person and don't measure your beauty to another. Inner happiness shines through so once you accept yourself for who you are, you'll find it hard to waste precious moments comparing yourself to strangers. 

" Happy girls are the prettiest girls" - Audrey Hepburn 

Much love,

Ashley x 

Saturday, 13 February 2016

My experience in the David Marshall Hair Salon!!

A couple of weeks back, in dyer need of some tlc with my colour, I paid a visit to the well renowned hair salon, David Marshall on Fade Street. The moment I walked into the salon I was greeted with warm welcomes and huge smiles. Every staff member in the shop, including David himself, were so attentive and really made my visit one to remember. Whether it was a hot tea to heat me up or a cheeky glass of wine, they made sure I was well looked after.

I was booked in with their colour specialist Garreth, who with having over ten years experience working with colour, worked his magic on my hair. I was told that I was going to be in safe hands with Garreth and I can honestly say they weren't lying. I myself, have always been so fussy with who I let touch my hair, especially with being a blonde but two minutes into my consultation with him any doubts I had completely disappeared. I could really tell he knew what he was talking about and I couldn't wait to get started.

Garreth done such a fantastic job and I was so incredibly pleased with the finished result! I can't stress enough how fussy I am when it comes to my hair and who I let touch it so it was a big deal for me how happy I was with my hair. I had a full head of blonde highlights and decided to opt out of having my usual low light after chatting with Garreth. Afterwards He used a P01 toner to give my hair that silver/ash look which I love so much. 

Usually when you're spending a couple of hours in a salon you can become restless and tired but when you've got your back being massaged by comfy recliners and such pleasant staff attending to you, it's hard to feel that way. The salon it's self is absolutely beautiful and I think anyone would agree with me on that so if you're looking to 'treat yo self' any time soon, I would highly recommend your day being spent in here. 

From the moment I stepped into the salon to the moment I was handed my coat, was all a such a fabulous experience. I felt as though the standard of professionalism and sheer talent excelled my expectations and that's why I'm already so excited for my next visit to the David Marshall salon. If you pay a trip to the in for yourself, I know you'll be thanking me for it later!! 

Ashley x