Wednesday, 25 November 2015

iWhite teeth whitening kit review!!

Pearly whites!! It's something that's on everybody's list of things they want in life, am I right? There's no better feeling than having a bright, white, Hollywood smile that could potentially blind a passer by when you open your mouth. Okay, I'm kidding!! You won't blind anybody but you will certainly catch their attention when they see your gleaming nashers! The older you get, the fonder you become of liquids that stain your teeth. Yes, I'm talking about those fabulous drinks called coffee and wine. Totally giving up these glorious beverages is a bit drastic for the sake of having white teeth so you don't need to worry about doing that, not now that iWhite teeth whitening kits are on the market!! 

I know that a persons teeth are the first thing I look at when I'm talking to someone and I'm sure I'm not the only one who does this either. Our teeth are something that are so incredibly important to us so they should be given extra special attention when it comes to keeping them clean and of course, keeping them sparkling white. I am guilty of eating foods that may discolour your teeth not to mention drinking both wine and coffee, so I was absolutely delighted when I came across the iWhite teeth whitening kit. I had heard endless reports on the brand and all opinions were that they were simply amazing, so of course I was beyond excited to start using my kit. For the duration of time when using the kit I tried to stay away from drinking too much tea or coffee but when I did I made sure to use a straw. That way I was limiting the chance of any further staining whilst trying to whiten my teeth. 

What I love about this brand is that everything is ready to go and so easy to use. You don't have to worry about how much gel or bleach you need to apply into the tray or about having to wash and dry moulds as they are disposable. All you have to do is pop them out of the packet and into your mouth. Simple as that!! After twenty minutes you can dispose of the trays you just used and give a light rinse over your teeth with cold water and VoilĂ  you are on the road to having a bright iWhite smile!! A kit includes 10 pre-filled trays which you can use as you like. You can either use one set to instantly whiten your teeth every so often or use them for five consecutive days, like I did, to achieve maximum results. I used my kit in conjunction with the iWhite whitening toothpaste to protect, maintain and whiten my smile every day.

The iWhite kit is completely safe to use and is not harmful on your teeth whatsoever!! iWhite not only strengthens your teeth but also removes stains and has been clinically proven to whiten teeth up to 8 shades whiter. What more could you want, right? You can purchase this teeth whitening kit in selected pharmacies or online at The teeth whitening kit retails at just €29.99 and the toothpaste is a bargain at €9.50 Perfect stocking fillers if you have been stuck for ideas over the Christmas!! I have tried different ways to whiten my teeth over the years but I've never been more satisfied with a product than this. I'm extremely happy with my smile and it's all down to iWhite!! You can thank me later guys!! 

Keep smiling!!

Ashley x 

Thursday, 19 November 2015

A letter to the ladies, Part II

Maybe he came into your life a hurricane causing destruction and damage at every hands turn or maybe like these cold winter nights, he crept his way into your heart. Nevertheless, he made his presence known and he made sure you wouldn't forget it. Either way, don't be so hard on yourself. It's tough to let go of someone you cared about so much. Someone you've given maybe years of your life to. Don't get angry with yourself if you miss him or even if you take ten steps backwards and go back to him once more. In your own time you'll know when you are ready to finally part for good and move forward without him in your life. Laugher is the best medicine. Laugh so hard you cry. Laugh so hard you forget what it is you're laughing about. Share these moments with people who lift you up and remind you of the wonderful person you are. 

Ask yourself why would a person tear you down? Strip away your confidence so you feel insecure and low? A person who does this is not a good person, that is plain to see right? Wrong! It's just not crystal clear when you are blinded by love. Eventually your eyes will open and your mind will follow suit. If someone loves you they should build you up so high that you can reach the stars and beyond. They should support and encourage you in everything you do. It's not right and it's certainly not okay to bring a person down only to make yourself feel better. You shouldn't be tuned that way, it's just not normal. This works both ways. A relationship and love in general is a two way street. If you are praising your other half, showing him love and respect it should be reciprocated without hesitation. Stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself. Then ask that amazing girl if she wants to stay trapped in her current predicament or if she wants to break free from the chains that hold her captive. 

In order to receive love you must believe that you deserve it. Radiate good thoughts and feelings and watch how they gravitate back towards you. What you think about, you bring about. So don't sit around feeling sorry for yourself, wallowing in self pity. Get up, get out and start enjoying your life. When it feels as though the world is against you, lift your head high and remind yourself that it is not. If you are having a bad day, remember that it is just a bad day, not a bad life. Because life goes on after heartbreak I promise you that. But yes, that big question still lingers. How do you know when you are finally ready to close that dark chapter in your life? The chapter that went on for so long it became the whole book! I'm sure a lot of you thought that this time was the last time. That this was the time you were finally strong enough to walk away, until finding yourself right back in the very same situation once again. But that's okay. You just weren't ready, no matter how much you thought you were. Have patience, it's a process. I myself lost count of how many times I thought was 100% done with someone, I mean totally wiped my hands, only to find myself laughing at his jokes just a week or two later. It's from within that something one day will click. All of the amazing advice you receive won't make that decision for you, but never disregard it non the less.

Sorry. How many times have you heard that 5 lettered word been thrown around so often that it's gotten to a point where the word has no meaning, no true value anymore?! How do you fall so deep into love with a horrible person that you drown in the process of doing so? It seems crazy to think that you are one of those stereotype girls who believes every lie that comes out of his mouth! I know I used to say it would never be me, I would never be so foolish. But then it happens, and you become brainwashed by someone who has never had your best interest at heart the way your friends and family do. And that's another thing, if your family and friends won't accept him then you probably shouldn't either. They are the ones who know what's best for you and they are the ones who have had to pick up the pieces from your shattered heart. If he has hurt you he has hurt the ones who care the most about you too. The damage has a domino affect. 

Imagine having the power to make someone feel good, make someone feel happy? Well, you do have that power, so use it. Use that power to make yourself so immensely happy that you don't depend on another person to make you feel good about yourself. Eliminate all those bad feelings, all those bad memories that poison your mind. Until you do this you won't ever be happy and you must believe this. I've experienced a toxic, unhealthy love but it was not my 'great love' and I know this. It took a while to accept it but when I did I started to move on. At the time sure, it was the only love I could fathom because Cupid had hit me hard with his arrow. I never seen it coming, it caught me by surprise. But you shouldn't lose yourself in the process of loving someone else. You should flourish as a person instead, not diminish away right before your very own eyes. Get that spark back!! Turn tragedy to triumph and move forward knowing you'll be a better person for it, a stronger person. 

It's hard to accept that the opinion you cared about most in the world was unkind and an attack on you. It's tough to understand it. Then one day all those second guess thoughts of  sticking around with someone you're afraid to be yourself around disappear and you suddenly know what it is you must do. You should not have a constant fear wash over you, worrying that he will tear you down with his words so he can obliterate your confidence to make you feel small. Your valid words should not be silenced or dismissed when you try to speak your mind. It's not a healthy way of communication and we all know that communication is imperative for everything. You should lift up your partners spirits up along with everyone else you meet. Make them feel good about themselves, make them believe their own worth if they don't already. Try as you might but you will never be able to change a person no matter how much you want to. If you need to change a person to be happy with them, then that person is not for you darling! 

He was charming I'm sure, still is when it suits him. Made you fall for him through the nice things he said, all the nice things you wanted to hear. But of course, those words came with a side of manipulation to get there. Then one day something changes and you catch the feeling that spreads like wildfire through your whole body, love!! That feeling is hard to put out, it's hard to shake no matter what the circumstances may be. I'm still finding the strength now to stay focused on myself and not fall back into the same trap a million times. But if I can do it, I assure you, you can too. Truth is, you are going to look back one day and say to yourself 'What the hell was I thinking?' You may even giggle about the situation, but that's what life is about. You make mistakes and you learn from them. They help you to grow as a person. They help give you the knowledge that you'll cherish a lifetime. So I hope you listen to these few words of wisdom I've written for all of you, after all ladies, this is my letter to you, part II. 

Don't be bitter, be better!! 

Ashley x 

Monday, 9 November 2015

A letter to the ladies,

What is it that makes you lose yourself over a man that has never shown you even an ounce of respect? How on gods green earth did you let someone else take charge of your own happiness? What is that damn hold they posses over you? And most of all, why can't you seem to let go? These are all questions you may never know the answers to. So stop searching and start living. A lesson hurts before it teaches. I believe this more than anything. But how long until you've learned your lesson? It can feel like forever and a day that you're hurting but remind yourself that it is part of your journey and will ultimately help to shape the person you are. Find the silver lining. Be glad that you've got this valuable lesson under your belt, you'll carry it with you throughout your entire life. Just make sure you hold on tight to it, don't forget it, after all, you've suffered enough to learn your lesson. It's going to help you avoid making the same mistake twice. It's precious. 

Maybe your judgement was clouded so that you were blind to the wrong way he treated you? Or maybe, like me you weren't blind. You knew exactly what was happening, your brain was tuned in, your mind was wide awake. But you let him hurt you anyways. The one bad guy that can do no wrong in your eyes, gets a million chances plus one. But when does that realisation happen? When does the penny drop? How do you finally learn to accept that you do not deserve anything less than real, passionate, chaotic, crazy love. Everybody deserves to be loved, to be made feel beyond special so don't let anybody tell you otherwise. Have faith, you're time is coming, if it hasn't already. 

Dig a little deeper, make yourself aware! Look on to your situation with an outsiders point of view and think of the things you would say to the girl standing before you as you try to shake some sense into her. If a guy does not show you he cares, makes you feel loved, then there is a reason for it. The reason being, he doesn't care and he certainly doesn't love you either. That hurts to hear, I know that. But it does get better, there is a light at the end of the dark tunnel. Words can be easily rolled off the tongue but it's through actions you'll know where you stand with a person without having to question it. Wise up! Know your worth. If someone is not making you truly happy then why waste your time? Somewhere out there, there's someone deserving of you even if that's a little hard to believe. But for now, YOU be the only person you need to be content in life and let the rest fall softly into place. 

Take your own advise. Remember the times you told your best friend he was no good because of all the nasty things he did?! Give yourself that very same talk! Search high and low for the strength to accept what is and move on. God knows it's hard when your head and heart are at war but forget about both and trust your gut. Let your intuition guide you. If you feel things aren't right and you know that he's no good for you, then more than likely that's the truth. And yes, the truth hurts. But hurt does not last forever, not if you take control of your feelings and your own happiness. Sadness, anger, resentment and pain are all temporary feelings that only you have the power to change. Remember that!! Take charge of your emotions and encourage the good ones to multiply. It's okay to feel sad. Sadness is a part of life, something we all feel at one time or another. Accept sadness into your life because after all you would not know what happiness felt like unless you felt sadness too. This feeling is there for a reason and sometimes we forget that. I can throw my hands up in the air and admit I often forget that in order to feel the good emotions, really feel them, we need to experience the bad ones too. 

Focus on you. Don't dwell on the negative things that will only get you down. Make a list of all the great things in your life, count your blessings. And after you make that list, make another. Make a list the length of your arm about all the things you love about YOU. Fall in love with the girl you are. Fill yourself up so much with love that it overflows into your whole life. That there's simply no room for anything else but this powerful feeling. Let life surprise you. Do things you would never imagine yourself doing and watch how much you grow. Great things never come from comfort zones so have a little more belief in yourself and enjoy this time while you have it.

Love like an illness, takes time to sweat out. That means things are going to get better just have the patience and stop the doubt. Time is a healer they say which sometimes can feel like a hopeless phrase when all you want to do is fast forward to a time when you feel normal again. To feel as though you are the most important person there is, that you are number one. Start putting yourself first and don't feel guilty for doing so. Do not depend on another person to supply you with the happiness that you can create from within. Talk! Talk so much you run out of words to say. It helps, believe me. Expect the bad days and the ones even worse than those. Heartache and pain are feelings that are not uncommon amongst us all. So remember, you are not alone, no matter how much it may feel that way. Surround yourself with those who matter and forget about all the rest. Nurture your soul and ask yourself what brings you joy? What truly makes you happy? And then do that, do lots of whatever that is. 

In time you'll be amazed at how free you feel without the suffocating feeling that smothered you for too long. Fall so hard out of love that you can't look back even if you tried to. I mean trip yourself up if you have to, but just fall so incredibly hard out of love, out of all those feelings that have had you feeling trapped and hopeless for god knows how long. Get it in to your head that you are worth so much more than what you settled for the last time. Wait until you find someone who worships the ground you walk on and you'll worship them every inch in return. When you find that someone you won't need to question what you have because it will just happen naturally. It will happen with magic and you'll thank that one bad guy for letting you slip away to fall into someone else's worthy arms. I myself need to practice what I preach more often than I do but please just take my advise anyways, this is my letter to you. 
"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain"

Ashley x